What should be a quality website?

Indeed you paid attention to the fact that one site is made qualitatively and attractively, and the other is not. The owners of “ugly” sites face that their resource is not visited or run away from it. It is worth ordering a website at one of the trusted web studio to avoid this. A team of professionals will develop a quality and popular website that will meet the needs of the CA.

When creating a website, you should pay attention to four basic principles:

  • Purpose. Before creating a website, you should answer the question: “Why do I need it? To sell? To tell about the company?
  • You can begin to study the target audience and the designed resource by setting a clear goal.
  • Easy navigation. It is crucial that the user can quickly move around the site. The user will not spend half a day looking in the menu section “Contacts.” There is a rule: any page must be accessible in three clicks from any other page. Conversion and ranking in search engines depend on the quality of navigation.
  • Aesthetics. Any Internet resource should look modern and visually appealing. “Hello from the ’90s” in today’s world is irrelevant. If your site is in such a format, think about rebranding.
  • The filling of the site (content). Publish unique and exciting content on the pages of your resource. It applies to articles and photos/videos. Publish a text about flowers on the dentist’s website, at least strange. However, it should correspond to the subject of the help.

The mobile version of the site: do I need it?

A mobile version of the site – is a must-have in the modern world. And a simple statistic confirms this:

  • More than 80% of people open websites and make purchases through a mobile device;
  • 85% of users find it challenging to use a gadget to surf the web;
  • 40% of users switch to competitors.

All this pushes to create a quality mobile version of the site.

Many owners of Internet resources need help understanding or want to realize that it’s inconvenient for a user to open the full version of a site in a smartphone browser and try to zoom in/out the page.

Take care of an excellent mobile version of your resource. Professionals will design a resource that adapts to any device and is intuitive for everyone.